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Empowering Your Digital Presence with


domainbooth domains

How are we different?

  • We handle everything from A to Z relating to your domain name.

  • Your asset will be put directly to the key decision makers so higher chances of making a sale and getting the best possible price.
  • We have over 25 years combined experience.
  • We specialize in brokerage to the relevant companies and buyers.
  • Globally awarded Top Domain Brokerage.
  • domainboothhand

    Brokerage only focuses on high-quality names over quantity. We take our services very seriously and do everything possible to find that perfect buyer. is a unique brokerage and we certainly stand out for many reasons.

    1. We focus on the Top 1% of domain names. There are currently around 1,940,000,000 (1.94 Billion) domain names registered. Our specialty is Domains, words, acronyms, phrases, and other key criteria.
    2. We only take on a small number of Domain Names for Brokerage. We focus on premium names so if your Domain is selected you know you have a valuable asset.
    3. We have closed over $50,000,000 in sales over the last 7 years.
    4. We are proactive and find the right buyer and in this process, we educate the buyer to pursue a purchasing decision. Our network and expertise allow us to seek out the decision-makers in companies. These are the people that will see and understand the value of your asset.
    5. We only get paid on a successful sale!
  • domain package


    We also specialise in stealth domain name and website acquisitions. has a dedicated team that deals with this. We have carefully selected experts who have years of experience in this area.

    1. Stealth acquisitions (discrete)
    2. Optimize purchase price
    3. Handle the technical transfer
    4. Get it over the line faster than anyone else could
    5. Give advice on the best name for your brand
    6. We charge an industry best commission of only 10% of purchase price




  • Services:

    Domain Appraisals

    Would you like to know what your IP or Digital Asset is worth? Are you looking to purchase a Domain Name and want to know how much you should be paying? is the best option to get the most up to date and accurate valuation. DomainBooth can offer a domain appraisal service on very specific occasions. It is not our principal business, but we are happy to help out if you need an appraisal, but only on a premium domain name.

    We will charge a flat $199 which can be paid via Paypal or BitPay and come up with a small report and reasons as to why we believe it to be worth what we do (wholesale and retail). If you need a domain appraisal, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and send us details.


DomainBooth is the solution

At we have our specialist tools and a huge database of top quality names. We are known for our Domain Tracking abilities from owners around the world. We have spent years building relationships, a global reputation, knowledge and bring you the best names that are not publicly available on the market. We provide 100% confidentiality with our stealth acquisitions allowing you the privacy you need and securing the perfect domain name. Our CEO James Booth who has won several awards for Domain Name Acquisitions and Sales and is globally known as one of the top Domain Brokers in the world.

Our Terms and Fees are easy to work with and very flexible when it comes down to our fees. Simply contact us now to assist you in acquiring the Domain Name that you or your business needs. We will save you money and only work on a successful acquisition / fee basis. Our Domain Name Acquisition services are 100% risk free and only get paid if we are successful. Our minimum acquisition fee is $500 USD

Domain Name Transfer and Completion Process

Once an agreement is reached and we secure you the domain you need we would begin the final transaction process. We will provide a Purchase Agreement to make sure you acquire all the rights, title and interest in that particular intellectual property.

Once both parties have signed the agreement we will initiate a transaction who is a trusted partner of We have completed over $50 Million in transactions through and we have found them to be the most reliable and trusted agent out there. Upon acceptance of the terms payment is made to Once the payment is approved the seller is then notified to transfer the Domain Name and any other additional parts that have been agreed to. The funds are not released to the seller until you are in control of the Domain Name. All details remain 100% confidential unless agreed otherwise. All information you provide us is strictly confidential.